You can, however, read these files using the open source dxflib library. 可以使用开源dxflib库读取这些文件。
You do this so the source type library can be shared among team members. 您也需要这样做,这样,就可以在团队成员间共享源类型库。
The ICU4J ( International Components for Unicode) library is an open source library for Java, widely used by various software vendors to provide globalization and unicode support. ICU4J(InternationalComponentsforUnicode)库是一个面向Java的开源库,被各个软件供应商广泛采用来提供全球化和统一字符标准(unicode)支持。
PHP content Browse all the articles, tutorials, demos in the Open source library on developerWorks. PHP内容:浏览developerWorks开源库中的所有文章、教程以及演示。
This article demonstrates this technique using an open source library called TouchEngine to develop an application to view sonnets by William Shakespeare. 本文展示了使用TouchEngine开源库开发应用程序以便查看莎士比亚的十四行诗。
The names of these files are constructed from the name of the source type library filename and a "Bridge" suffix. 这两个文件的文件名的格式是类型库文件名加上后缀“Bridge”。
Direct Sender is an open source library that I've created to make it easier to send Direct mail. DirectSender是我创建的一个开源库,以便更容易地发送Direct邮件。
Rel: You'll add this little-used HTML attribute and give it a value of "gb_page_fs []"& once again, a special attribute that kicks the open source library into action. rel:添加这个不常用的HTML属性并将其值设为“gbpagefs[]”&一个启用开源库的特殊属性。
You learned some of the basic concepts and explored some of the functions provided by boto, an open source Python library for interacting with SQS. 学习了一些基本概念和boto(一个用于与SQS交互的开放源码Python库)提供的一些功能。
This community-driven project aims to provide an extensive, open source library of high-quality code, to assist PHP developers in rapid application development. 这个社区推动的项目的目标是,提供一个广泛的、高质量代码的开源库,协助PHP开发人员快速开发应用程序。
Bring your own code to the open source library. 将您自己的代码加入开源库。
You designate the name of the bridge, provide the COM server as the source type library, and enter a Java package name for the access from the Java code. 您要指定桥的名称,把COM服务器作为源类型库,输入Java代码访问服务器要使用的Java包的名称。
PEAR is an open source library of PHP functions which is free for your use and under continual development. PEAR是PHP函数的开源库,它可免费使用并且其开发工作仍在继续。
The new document library appears in the SharePoint lists section of the data source library. 新文档库显示在“数据源库”的“sharepoint列表”部分。
In the data source library task pane, click the database connection that you want to copy and then modify, and then click Copy and modify. 在“数据源库”任务窗格中,单击要复制并修改的数据库连接,然后单击“复制并修改”。
The MSBuild Extension Pack is an open source library containing commonly-needed MSBuild tasks to automate the full compiling, packaging, and environment setup build process. MSBuild扩展包是一套开源类库,包含了构建过程中常用的自动化编译、打包及环境设置等MSBuild任务。
In the data source library task pane, you now see sections showing data sources both from the current site and from the site that you just added. 在“数据源库”任务窗格中,现在可以同时看到当前网站和刚添加的网站中的数据源。
Because you are connecting to the data source library in another site, you want to make sure that you are seeing the most recent data sources that are available there. 由于您要连接到其他网站中的数据源库,因此需要确保您正查看的数据源是该网站中最新的数据源。
In the data source library task pane, under XML files, click add an XML file. 在“数据源库”任务窗格的“xml文件”下,单击“添加xml文件”。
Also, Open Source library support is a big one to us. 而且开源库对我们来说很重要。
FxStruts is a free open source library that provides the same functionality as bean: write except that the output is in AMF or XML format. FxStruts是一个提供和bean:write同样功能的免费开源类库。和bean:write唯一不同的是,它最后输出的数据格式是AMF或XML。
Adobe has also recently announced BlazeDS-an open source library used to easily and efficiently communicate between Flex front-ends and Java back-ends. Adobe最近发布了BlazeDS&用来方便有效地在Flex前端与Java后端之间进行通信的开源库。
DynamicJasper is an open source library that is based on Jasper Reports which has been around for several years and recently began integrating with Grails. DynamicJasper是一个开源库,基于JasperReports(已面世很多年,最近开始与Grails集成)。
Is the same in both the folder list and the data source library. 在“文件夹列表”和“数据源库”中都相同。
The current site is always listed first in the data source library, but you can change the order in which other sites are listed. 在数据源库中,当前网站总是第一个列出,但您可以更改其他网站的排列顺序。
By default, an XML file that resides in the local site always appears in the folder list and always has a corresponding data source connection in the data source library. 默认情况下,位于本地网站中的xml文件总是出现在“文件夹”列表中,并且总在数据源库中具有对应的数据源连接。
The teaching system consists of information input module, training library, information library of the workshop, manufacturing source library, schedule algorithm library and the result output/ analysis module. 教学实验系统由信息输入模块、训练题库、车间信息库、制造资源库、调度算法库、结果输出/分析模块组成。
Open source library based on OpenCV Constructed a prototype of a video-based face recognition system. 基于OpenCV开源库构造了一个基于视频的人脸识别系统原型。
The client uses JRTPLIB ( an open source library) to receive data and feed back network status. 客户端使用了开源JRTPLIB库实现了媒体流数据接收和网络状况的反馈。